These days, one can come across specialized chakra bracelets available easily with the leading online jewelry stores. The authentic chakra bracelets for sale offered are said to have some healing effects. Presently, the healing bracelet is said to represent each chakra and has become a common design. The chakra bracelet designs can be found to be awesome. Chakra bracelets are designed to provide healing effects and each particular chakra are stated to offer immense benefits. The bracelet does offer all the necessary properties and hence, needs to be used by everyone to get the desired health results.
Interesting designs
The chakras are designed to be beautiful and in varying happy and bright colors and the benefits enjoyed immensely. Every chakra window color has been linked with one of the root chakras. Sacral Chakra is linked with orange color, yellow to Solar Plexus chakra, light blue to Throat chakra, green to heart chakra and dark blue to 3rd eye chakra. White and purple are linked to Crown chakra. Then gemstones are linked every color.
It is important to understand that gemstones are considered to be natural energy conductors. Hence, it is found to be a fabulous tool to align and heal the chakras. The gemstone colors will direct energy to different chakras with which they are paired.
Gemstones for various purposes
Different gemstones are known to exist for different types of chakras. They are considered to be the ones that are used:
- Carnelian for Sacral chakra
- Red jasper for Root chakra
- Turquoise and Amazonite for Throat chakra
- Yellow jade for Solar Plexus chakra
- Moss agate and Aventurine for Heart chakra
- Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli for 3rd Eye chakra
- Quartz crystal and Amethyst for Crown chakra
Plenty of gemstones are linked to every type of chakra. However, these are used for chakra bracelets since they tend to resemble the rainbow, thus making color tones to be linked more directly to every chakra.
When diving in-depth into each and every individual chakra, more gemstones are used. Seven chakra healing bracelets and realized that people tend to have specific chakra that is required for focusing upon and to heal. Hence, individual chakra healing type of bracelets will be required. The chakras that are purchased at reputed online jewelry stores are provided with special attention to each and every chakra to make them authentic and have the necessary power.
Different types of gemstones are mixed and all linked with the same chakra like oil diffusing/aromatherapy chakra bracelets.
What is used and where?
- Root chakra using smoky quartz, garnet and onyx.
- Sacral chakra using carnelian, Mookaite, Picasso jasper
- Solar Plexus chakra using sunstone, yellow tigers eye and citrine
- Prehnite, green agate and aventurine for heart chakra.
- Throat chakra using amazonite and blue agate
- Third eye chakra using amethyst, lapis lazuli and sodalite
- Crown chakra using quartz crystal and amethyst
All gemstones and wholesale chakra bracelets offered by the reputed online stores do come with individual healing properties besides their healing properties. This is said to make them extremely awesome. Discussing with the professionals will help the person to know which chakra will be better for him and will work effectively. Getting the right one will actually providing the beneficial healing effects.